Sketch ready:

M 107

M 107

I considered this to be one of my best (most realistic) drawing for many years.

Drawing data

M 107 Oph GC
Date(s) of observation:
2001.06.25/26. Kerepes
Place(s) of observation:
Telescope(s) used:
110/806T (Mizar)
Enlargement(s) used:
96x (3x Barlow, 25mm Plössl)
Field size:
Author / Observer:
Peter Kiss


A pretty faint, 4' globular cluster. It is somewhat brighter towards the middle, but no core is visible. Sometimes it seems to be slightly granular, even a couple of its stars are visible.The inner part is irregular. There is a (brighter) spot or filament towards north, northwest and west. It is extended towards east and south.

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