Eagle Nebula
Sagittarius Star Cloud
Triangulum Galaxy
Auriga open cluster
Cassiopeia diffuse nebula
Clusters and nebulae of the Small Magellanic Cloud
Keyhole Nebula and HH 1-2
NGC 2070 and its neighbourhood in the Large Magellanic Cloud
NGC 2070 or 30 Doradus, 16" drawing
Rozette nebula
Pencil Nebula in Vela
The Gem Cluster and a diffuse nebula in Carina
NGC 3372-3532 in Carina
Carina open cluster + diffuse nebula
Cat's Paw Nebula
The head of the Anteater Nebula in Corona Australis
NGC 7000 and its surrounding
Camelopardalis nebulae
Panorama drawing