One of my first astronomical books the "Kis égi kalauz" (Little night-sky guide) had a falulous photo of the Rosette nebula (in black and white of course) which had a great impression on me that time. Back then I had no chance to spot the nebula although it's not very faint. It only needs a fast telescope with a large field of view and the best sky possible. The nebula is clearly visible, though it's not as spectacular as in the photos. The most prominent part is the bright spot that occupies the starless area northwest of the cluster. The beauty of the Rosette nebula comes from the way it embraces the open cluster. The little 4" telescope doesn't show many details but the hollow in which the open cluster is sitting is clearly visible.
Pavo galaxy
The grand spiral galaxy of Pavo
Panorama drawing
Huge and faint supernova remnant in the southern sky
Centaurus globular cluster
The second globular in Centaurus
Apus globular cluster
Globular cluster close to the Southern celestial pole
Centaurus galaxy
Polar ring galaxy
Ara galaxy
Barred spiral galaxy in the thick of the Milky Way