47 Tucanae globular cluster
NGC 2070 and its neighbourhood in the...
This is an amazing planetary nebula. I have read it somewhere that this is the planetary nebula (deep-sky object ?) showing the most detail. And it reveals a lot with any kind of telescope. Unfortunately the seeing was not the best during the drawing. A couple of days before we took a look at it with the 24" Dobsonian when the seeing was much better. We could see at least twice as many details as in this drawing. Sanyi was using the big Dobsonian to tackle the objects of Musca. He was shocked when he found this gem. He called us and we stood in awe as well.
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) photo of NGC 5189 can be seen to the left together with my drawing made using a 16" Dobsonian. The main structures of the planetary nebula could be seen pretty well in the telescope but the delicate details remained hidden in this case as well. It might be worth comparing the stars as well.
Pavo galaxy
The grand spiral galaxy of Pavo
Panorama drawing
Huge and faint supernova remnant in the southern sky
Centaurus globular cluster
The second globular in Centaurus
Apus globular cluster
Globular cluster close to the Southern celestial pole
Centaurus galaxy
Polar ring galaxy
Ara galaxy
Barred spiral galaxy in the thick of the Milky Way