(52768) 1998 OR2, 2020.04.21. 20:06-20:54 UT, Kerepes, Hungary, 4" f/4 (Newtonian, Dobson), 50-67x (8 mm, 6 mm Planetary), detail drawing.
The asteroid is pretty faint in the small telescope in the quasi-suburban sky. It can be around 12.0m with a telescopic limiting magnitude around 12.5m. It is exactly at the position given by the MPC. Although I can only compare it to the brighter stars, its motion is clearly visible in about 10 minutes. I measured about 8"/minute and PA 150° for the motion from my drawing (by comparing it to the map) which is in good agreemaent with the MPC data (9.3"/minute, PA 150°).