Drawing made on the night of 2017.08.22/23. at Ágasvár, Hungary. I used the 16" f/4.4 MCSE Dobsonian and a 6 mm Planetary eyepiece (294x enlargement). The sky was very poor due to the Canadian forest fires. Black graphite drawing on white paper digitally inverted and colored.
Near Earth asteroid with a diameter of...
Near Earth asteroid with a diameter of...
The sky was very poor (even in Central Europe) due to the Canadian forest fires. So I couldn't do real deep-sky observing and I had previously chosen this double star as an objective. I wanted to draw a bright star properly and I also wanted to try color drawing.
Component A is white with a little pale yellow. Component B (the nearer one) is purplish but pale. The C component (the further one) is bright and very pale blue (with maybe a little green). The surrounding stars are very faint: between 13.5m and 14.8m but the proximity of the bright star and the poor sky clear everything else.
Unfortunately the processing (the final drawing) is not very accurate compared to the sketch I made by the telescope. Component B should be nearer to A. And the triangle between the components should be closer to a right angle one (B should be pushed a bit).