Pavo galaxy
The grand spiral galaxy of Pavo
Panorama drawing
Huge and faint supernova remnant in the southern sky
Centaurus globular cluster
The second globular in Centaurus
Apus globular cluster
Globular cluster close to the Southern celestial pole
Centaurus galaxy
Polar ring galaxy
Ara galaxy
Barred spiral galaxy in the thick of the Milky Way
Interacting spiral galaxy
Lupus planetary nebula
Bright bipolar planetary nebula
Norma planetary nebula
Perfectly annular planetary nebula
Interacting galaxies in Pavo
"Devil's mask"
Draco galaxy
A member of the M 81 group
Coma Berenices globular clusters
A pair of globular clusters in the spring sky
Perseus planetary nebula
Little Dumbbell Nebula
Pisces galaxy
Face-on grand design spiral galaxy
Virgo galaxy
A unique grand-design barred spiral galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
Coma Berenices galaxy
Grand-design spiral galaxy. One of the biggest members of the Virgo Cluster.
Ultra-thin egde-on spiral galaxy
One of the thinnest galaxies in the sky
Keyhole Nebula and HH 1-2
Tiny gems in the Orion Molecular Cloud
NGC 2070 or 30 Doradus, 16" drawing
16" drawing of the Tarantula Nebula
A unique spiral galaxy in the Virgo Cluster